Practical Strategies for Mentoring

Happy Spring, everyone!  Depending on where you live, there may or may not be signs outdoors that spring is actually here.  Nevertheless, rest assured that the vernal equinox did occur on Monday, and the outward signs of a internal change in the environment will...

Giving Back Through Mentoring

Above virtually all else, black women specialize in giving back to our communities.  We often make career, educational, and family decisions based on whether those opportunities will help or hinder our chances of making a positive contribution to those around us.  One...

Sleep: The Other Miracle Drug

Last Tuesday, the world celebrated Mardi Gras (“Fat Tuesday”–such an graphic description, huh?).  The next day ushered in Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Christian season of Lent.  Lent is the forty-day period (not counting Sundays) of fasting,...